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Developer Guidelines and Tips

Developers should follow these guidelines for contributing to the project.

Coding conventions

  • Indent using four spaces (no tabs)
  • Use Unix newline
  • Use Allman style braces, but for if and for
  • Use camelCase for internal and private fields
  • Use CamelCase for public fields
  • Use CamelCase for all methods, public and private, for classes, enum types and enum values.
  • Use THIS_STYLE for constants.
  • Regions can be used to group code logically. No nested regiones. Use CamelCase for region names.
  • No copyright notice nor author metadata should be present at the start of the file, unless it is of a third party
  • Never commit if you encounter compilation errors or warnings.

Naming conventions

  • Use MiniGame, not Minigame (but minigame when lowercase)
  • All data related to the learning content should be referred to as Vocabulary data (instead of the triad Letter/Word/Phrase)
  • All data related to the journey progression should be referred to as Journey data (which consists of Stage + LearningBlock + PlaySession)


The whole codebase is under the Antura namespace. The main systems can be accessed through the Antura namespace and thus fall under it.

All minigames are under the Antura.MiniGames namespace. Each minigame needs its own namespace in the form of Antura.MiniGames.GAME_ID with GAME_ID being the name of the minigame.

Most core code will be in a subsystem. Specific subsystem code is inside a Antura.SUBSYSTEM namespace, where SUBSYSTEM is the subsystem's name. What follows is a list of subsystems with their namespaces:

  • Antura.Core for the core managers and data of the appllication.
  • Antura.AnturaSpace for code related to the Antura Space scene.
  • Antura.PlayerBook for code related to the Player Book scene.
  • Antura.GamesSelector handles the Games Selector scene.
  • Antura.Animations for general animation utilities.
  • Antura.Database for database access and organization.
  • Antura.LivingLetters for scripts related to the Living Letter characters.
  • et cetera...

Never commit anything without a namespace, nor anything under the root Antura namespace

Git Ignore

there are several fiels and directories put under Git Ignore.. the useful from Dev POV are:


if you create a Assets/Local directory, you can put inside whatever personal you want, and won't be versioned.

Coding Guidelines

  • We can use any external plugin, obviously the fewer the better
  • All code and app architecture must be self speaking (in English) to be easily read by new/external contributors
  • Flexibility: no hardcoded vars. Anything should be parameterized (for app variations in other languages or modular evolution)
  • Git commit rule: One feature is One commit rule
  • Commit a feature with all its dependencies when it’s working and tested at least once
  • The commit message should be a simple description of what has been done (the Git log will be used to generate the app changelog so pay attention), with a prefix like: [plugin] lorem ipsum v 1.x.x [bug] fixed xxx [feature] added this in that [changed] behaviour x now does y [cgl] cleaned minigame x code
  • C# only + Unix line endings
  • Use Antura namespace for the app, and Antura.minigame for specific minigames classes.
  • No compilation errors (red) allowed in the dev branch. Always buildable.
  • No compilation warnings (yellow) allowed in master branch (if possible)
  • All the code must be released under the MIT License
  • Everyone should commit just to dev branch (eventually their own) when a feature / debug is done and tested. Do no push to origin without some local testing. Team leads will merge into master to trigger testing builds.