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MiniGame: Color Tickle

Testing procedure

Total tests: 1 - Variations: 1. ColorTickle - Difficulty Levels: ininfluent

Shared Difficulty

  • Available lives decrease
  • Antura activation time decreases




1. ColorTickle

Player must color the letter.


  • 3 stars if...
  • 2 stars if...
  • 1 star if...

Developer notes


Warnings to be fixed


Game Design Docs

3 Lives per round (= per Letter) - Each time you draw out of the borders (=Tickle) you lose a life

What is drawn outside of the borders should appear “lighter” - I.e. if the LETTER is draw in RED, you should use LIGHT RED outside of the borders - NOTE: you can do it by using a 50% brighter color

We keep the version (game_ColorTickle) with the Tickle anim - But we do not stop the drawing, the Player must react and raise his/her finger

The Arabic Letters must appear in a correct format (but we can zoom more) - It cannot go out of the “White Square” (please do not scale it and leave it centered)... - … and it cannot appear as “bold” as now (i.e. the dots connects together) - It seems that you currently using the the font as Bold with Outline… - … please use a smaller Bold (dots should not connect together) and a very thin black outline

Antura is an element of surprise/disruption - Enters from the side, leaves a short time to let the player react and then barks scaring the LL - The LL will change animation when scared, making it very difficult/impossible to draw - So the player is obliged to raise his/her finger to avoid drawing outside of the borders - NOTE: it would cool that Antura only enter when the player is really actively drawing!


  • All mini-games must return a score (0 to 3 stars)
  • 0 stars are returned only if the player fails ALL ROUNDS
  • 3 stars are a very good performance, not necessarily PERFECT

The Score could be calculated with a combination of bonus/malus:

BONUS: - Complete a Letter - Number of Lives left at the end of a round

MALUS - Number of Lives lost in a round - Amount of “out-of-borders” that has been colored